Here are a couple of the cards I've made so far this year. I'm soooo far behind! With my job at school being a TREMENDOUS load this year, I barely have time to make dinner. I literally come home from school around 5 or 6, make dinner and head right back to the computer to work. Weekends are an extension of the work week, but with no kids. I feel like I will never get caught up. I'd like to say Christmas break will be relaxing, but I'll have to use it to prepare for the deluge of meetings in January. I am, however, looking forward to March which is usually my least favorite month.
I can make it, I can make it, I can make it.....
All three of these ideas came from somewhere on pinterest, but I didn't save the creator's name. BAD ME!! I copied them pretty darn closely. My photography skills are poor, and the lighting is even worse, but anyway here's my work so far: